Thank you for inviting me and my family to your house in Bonacom. It was a great pleasure to see you. I enjoyed the hospitality and your kindness to our family and making us comfortble when we visited. When I first entered into your house, I was so embarrassed, but you was a real ice-breaker for I was not embarrassed anymore. I am sorry that I had not stayed until Sunday, but it was a lot of fun.
Five days ago, I went to Everland and rode the T- Express. It was a screamer that I rode. I almost cried when it fell the first time at 77 degrees. It was a nice time that I had the ride stop infront of the station. I had all my stresses gone. It was fun.
I hope to see you and your family later.
If you have a chance to come our way, look us up and let's ride the T-Express together.
Yoonkee Beck
윤기야, 나도 니가 놀러와서 무척 반가웠어.
같이 많이 못 놀아서 조금은 아쉬웠지만, 다음에 또 만나서 여러가지 게임도 하면서 재밌게 놀자.
나도 5월 6일에 에버랜드를 가서 T -Express를 탔는데, 정말 정말 재밌었어. 77도의 레일을 타는 그 아찔한 기분은 정말 잊을 수 없을 거야.
여름방학 때 한번 놀러와. 같이 계곡에서 물고기도 잡고, 계란도 닦자.
잘 있어~